Super YOU

In a world that focuses on sport athletes and celebrities, maybe we need to take a more realistic look at the true heroes in life.

Our military men and women who defend our freedom, for sure.  Medical personnel, police men and women, EMT and first responders, absolutely. 

What about the everyday person who teaches their children right from wrong?  Or the people who attend the local School Board meetings or City and County meetings?  Do you know if your local community is being ran honestly and with integrity?  These are also "Super Hero" positions!

If our world has gone astray, then it's up to all of us to step up and fill in the gaps.

Notice what talents you have.  Where can you assist?  If everyone contributes something, it won't be long before we are living in a world of "OUR" choosing.

Thank You For All You Do!

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New Year, New You!

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

2023 might be over, but your life is still relevant into 2024 and beyond!  So what do you want to do, or become in 2024?

We are all creative.  Many times in our lives, there have been people (knowingly or unknowingly) who squashed or diminished our creativity.  Yes, that happens to all of us.  Let's not count how many times we get knocked down....Let's count how many times we get back up!!

That's were our power is, get up, make a change and get back into the game of life!

I don't know about you, but I've learned much more from things not going right, than when they went right the first time.

Life's a journey.  Let's learn and grow from it!


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You Create Your Tomorrows

We Are Creators!

Wherever we put our attention, that is what we are calling forth into our lives.

So, in these days we're currently going through, are we worried about going to war?  Or are we loving the fact that people are standing up for peace?

Are you worried you don't have enough money?  Or are you so happy to have a roof over your head?

It's worth taking a look at the quality of thoughts running through your mind.  Once you fully realize that whatever you're thinking about IS creating your tomorrow, then, chances are you would "re-phase" your words and your emotions.

First we have a thought, then we have "feelings" about that thought.  The stronger our emotions are, the faster we are pulling the "good", or the "bad" into our lives.

Take a Leap Of Faith into this new year.  Think good, happy and loving thoughts.  Then feel strong emotions about those thoughts.





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Time To Step Out Of Fear

Don't worry.....Be happy!

This is the secret to life.  So why does it seems so hard to get there?

Because we weren't properly trained to be Happy, we were trained to Fear.  Fear of something happening, fear of something not happening.  We waste so much time on fear, and the troublesome thing is...when we're fearful, we are easy to control!

That's what they count on.  That's why we're shown scary images, or stories of war.  To keep us paralyzed.

But now that you KNOW, you can take your power back.  Step out of fear!  When you see something that you're afraid of happening, what would be the opposite of that?  Picture the opposite in your mind, picture it in color and add anything enjoyable to that picture.  Think of what you want to happen.  How does that make you feel?

We create anything we focus on.  The news wants us to focus on wars and illness; because if we focus there, that's what we will create.

However, if we focus on...

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Happy Thanksgiving

"An Honest Look  At REALITY"

Sometimes holiday gatherings can be challenging.  When they are, we need to take an honest look at what's going on.

Maybe you find that others don't have the same beliefs or opinions that you do.                    NEWSFLASH: They aren't suppose to!!!

Think about your Thanksgiving table, if every dish was seasoned the exact same way, the meal would be dull and boring.  But as it is, some dishes are delightful to your personal taste, while others you can take or leave....HOWEVER all the dishes bring value to the meal.

So it is with the people around the table.  Each person brings an unique flavor to the gathering. Since we have no control over others, we have only our-self to look at.  Are we bringing something that blends with the occasion, or something sour and off putting?

This is my personal way to prepare myself for theses...

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Fruit of the Vine

We are in the "Harvest Season".  Many people enjoy a nice bottle of wine at their Thanksgiving table.

What makes good wine?  Some might say the particular grape, some may say the blending of grapes. Others might say the region the grape is grown.  There are some that say the temperature, the sun, or the shade.  Still others argue the time the grapes are picked from the vine.  And in truth, all of these answers are correct.

There are so many factors that go into the perfect time to harvest the grape, so that the wine can blend its natural flavor, for a smooth taste that enhances the dining experience.

No two years are exactly the same.  Some years have more rain than others.  Some years experience varying temperatures, and at different times during the season.  The time to harvest, becomes an custom evaluation each year, throughout different regions.

The same thing is true for you.  You bring a special enhancement of your gifts and...

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Stay Strong

FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real)

Real or Not, fear can leave you with the feeling of being "trapped".  It can leave you feeling hopelessness, which can be quite paralyzing.

With just a change of your focus, you'll be able to regain your strength in a short period of time.

First, understand that "Yesterday's History" and "Tomorrow's a Mystery".  All your power is in the here and now!

Each day, make sure you take care of your spiritual needs, and no, I'm not talking about religion.  I'm talking about the spirit inside of you.  That place that offers extreme joy and happiness, the place where inspiration comes from.

Walk outside in nature, meditate, sing a happy song, laugh, smile, run.  Allow yourself to express itself.  Do things that brings you joy AT LEAST once a day...and hopefully throughout the day.

By doing this everyday, your days will be happier because you're bringing happiness in daily.  When you're happy, your soul is free to express,...

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FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real


The Buddha said:  The secret to Enlightenment is the eradication of fear.

In Sufism: they believe God is on one side of the veil and we're on the other, and our life is the struggle against the veil....and the veil is our fear.

Breaking fear down scientifically:  FEAR is an emotional reaction to a future event, that may or may not happen....with you focused on a negative outcome.

Fear depends on a negative outcome.  It depends on YOU believing in a negative outcome.

When you shift your focus from negative to positive...YOU create a whole different experience.

Perhaps this is why the good book told us 365 times to, FEAR NOT.



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The Art Of Letting Go

It has come out that we live in an "Electromagnetic" world, and that we are electromagnetic in structure.  Past hurts and wounds have an attachment or hold on us, because of our electromagnetic frequency.

If we really want to "un-snag" ourselves from past hurts and wounds, we have to be willing to consciously let go of the past.

The trapeze artist has to be willing to let go of the past bar, in order to grab the current bar.  As they do, they pick up momentum so they can grab the future bar.

What happens if you don't let go?

The momentum starts slowing down and eventually stops.  Then you're just left hanging!

Experience the fullness of life; forgive yourself and others when there are mistakes or miss-perceptions.  Forgiveness is a powerful ability that is highly under used.  The other person involved doesn't even need to know forgiveness is being activated.  This really is a gift you give to yourself more than a gift for others...even though others...

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Have you ever had someone present you with information that was in direct opposition to your belief system?

My earliest memory of this, is when I learned there's no Santa Claus.  Everyone has their own story about this, and it might not be a big deal.  While my experience was traumatic, and left no lasting scars, this neutral story may help in seeing a bigger picture to current life issues.

In my family, I am the youngest of three children.  When my oldest sister found out the truth through her school age friends, that there is no such thing as Santa Claus, she brought that truth home to us.  Since I was so young, this hit me pretty hard.  I couldn't believe such a thing...I wouldn't believe.  Her information was wrong, and I was going to prove it.  I went to a person I knew my whole life, who knew more than my sister, and mom would set things straight.  I came to find out that my mother backed up my sister's story.  To say I was shocked...

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