Time To Step Out Of Fear

Don't worry.....Be happy!

This is the secret to life.  So why does it seems so hard to get there?

Because we weren't properly trained to be Happy, we were trained to Fear.  Fear of something happening, fear of something not happening.  We waste so much time on fear, and the troublesome thing is...when we're fearful, we are easy to control!

That's what they count on.  That's why we're shown scary images, or stories of war.  To keep us paralyzed.

But now that you KNOW, you can take your power back.  Step out of fear!  When you see something that you're afraid of happening, what would be the opposite of that?  Picture the opposite in your mind, picture it in color and add anything enjoyable to that picture.  Think of what you want to happen.  How does that make you feel?

We create anything we focus on.  The news wants us to focus on wars and illness; because if we focus there, that's what we will create.

However, if we focus on...

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Happy Thanksgiving

"An Honest Look  At REALITY"

Sometimes holiday gatherings can be challenging.  When they are, we need to take an honest look at what's going on.

Maybe you find that others don't have the same beliefs or opinions that you do.                    NEWSFLASH: They aren't suppose to!!!

Think about your Thanksgiving table, if every dish was seasoned the exact same way, the meal would be dull and boring.  But as it is, some dishes are delightful to your personal taste, while others you can take or leave....HOWEVER all the dishes bring value to the meal.

So it is with the people around the table.  Each person brings an unique flavor to the gathering. Since we have no control over others, we have only our-self to look at.  Are we bringing something that blends with the occasion, or something sour and off putting?

This is my personal way to prepare myself for theses...

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What's Your Secret Weapon?

First of all....What is the meaning of a secret weapon?

"Something or someone that no one knows about, and that will give you an advantage over your competitors or enemies."

You might argue that everyone knows about LOVE, so how can that be a secret weapon.  You're right, AND THAT'S what makes it even more powerful.

Yes, we know about LOVE, but few realize there are actually invisible frequencies that accompanies all emotions.

When someone is feeling an angry emotion, and another person is feeling a loving emotion; whichever person is feeling their emotion stronger, they will actually neutralize the other person's emotion.

So next time you're in a disagreement with someone you care about.....try this!!

Think about the wonderful qualities this person normally exhibits, remember the good times and caring actions.  Hold that thought....Feeling those feelings grow stronger....then push those feelings from your heart to their heart.  Feel how good that feels, stay with...

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Focus Your Power

We underestimate ourselves.

We are actually Power Generators!

Many look at themself as just one person.  However 1 person with the ability to FEEL, and then FOCUS that feeling to any person or destination on the planet can literally calm storms, emotionally comfort people, and neutralize combative energy.

The secret is to disconnect yourself from what others or the news tells you.  Feel whatever you want to generate.  Then intensify that feeling, feel it expanding inside your body to the point that your body feels so filled with this emotion.  Rest with this expanded feeling, enjoy it....and when you're ready, FOCUS it going to your desired destination.  Share the joyful expression of who you are, in the fullness of your magnificence.

You Are Powerful!

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What Is Success?

 Its understanding just like every lock has its on unique key, so it is with Success

Every person has a unique purpose for being on this planet, and at this specific time. No two people are the same.  Even twins may look very similar, but even they have unique differences and purposes.

Success is understanding they have their own purpose.

Success is respecting others for the gifts each person brings to the world.

Success is holding your beliefs about your purpose, regardless of other people's opinions.

Success is trying something new and unfamiliar.

Success is getting up after a fall and courage to try again.

Success is knowing there's a lesson in every experience, and becoming wiser for it.

Success is knowing the difference between outside chatter and inner wisdom.

Success is having the ability to stay in the present moment.

Success is listening to the desires in your heart, and allowing your soul to express itself.

Success is knowing that it's about the journey, and not...

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True Wisdom

When we follow the thoughts in our head we rationalize (ration-a-lies).

Our Soul know its journey.

Tune into your heart for the most direct guidance to "your" path and purpose.  Don't worry if others don't get it, they're not suppose to understand your life.

That's why the have a life of their own!




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Experiences and Explorations

As we leap into 2023, what do you want to see?  What do you want to experience?  Where do you want to explore?  What do you want to learn?

These are great questions to ask yourself!

We all are unique beings.  Nobody knows your "true north", and you don't know others true north. This is an inside job!

In 2023, can you commit to 5 minutes each day to check in with yourself and ask yourself:

  • How am I feeling?
  • What do I want to make sure I accomplish today?
  • What one thing can I do today that would bring me joy?

As you develop this internal dialog, more meaningful questions will organically enter into the conversation.

Your SOUL knows its journey....tap into it and allow yourself to be taken places you couldn't imagine!

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A Gift We Give Ourselves

Forgiveness is the gateway to a better quality of life!

Take a look at the chart below:

Notice the difference levels LOW, NEUTRAL and HIGH.

If you find the emotion of FORGIVENESS, you will see that it's at the beginning of all the emotional states we want to live within.

FORGIVENESS is what you must go through in order to reach a higher state of consciousness.

If you're unwilling to forgive, or to let go of people and experiences that have hurt you, then you're depriving yourself of a happy fulfilled life.

How do we forgive?  Who do we forgive?  Forgive Everyone....for Everything!

Consciously or unconsciously, most people were taught to label others....how people are different. Then we judge people accordingly.  Maybe that's a good place to start forgiving.  Forgive those who taught us there's a difference between people with different skin color; different religions; different political beliefs; different cultures....and at the same time, we need to forgive...

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Taking the Mystery Out of Navigating Through Life

Most people are living life primarily in the first three charkas, Survival, Sexuality, and Power.

These first few charkas are also known as living in a 3rd dimensional life.  Why would any one chooses to live at a 3-D, rather than enjoying a 4th dimension or even 5th dimension life?  I propose to you that it wasn't actually a choice, but rather some subconscious programing done without our awareness.

If someone have been given fear based traumas, and experienced feelings of "Fight or Flight", then repeated; it causes the Energy Centers to regress into the lower 3 chakra centers.  Think of the movies you have seen, the pattern of the script writing usually revolves around a "hero's journey" which is all around triggering those fears, trauma, and anxieties before a last moment reprieve.  Look at the evening news, multiple fear based triggers are being reported when there are actually more good things happening than bad things. However they bang the drum of fear...

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