Does Your Perspective Help You To Navigate And Thrive?

We all see things differently, that's what makes us individuals.  We can look at others around us, some people appear to be happy, while others appear to have one challenge after another.

What many don't realize, is how you look at life and the world, is actually playing a part in creating their tomorrow.

How about you?  Does your perspective help you to navigate through life and thrive?  Or are you just trying to survive?

You hold the destiny of your tomorrow.  Don't give too much weight on other peoples opinions about your life.  Because they are not you.  Each person has their own purpose in life, with their unique path to take them to their destination.  Each person usually has different variables in their lives as well.  Example, if they're single or married; children or no children; the amount and ages of people depending on them.

The point is, listen to other people's opinions as only suggestions to consider.  Notice the feelings...

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What do you see in the picture above?

1) An affluent young lady

2) An old haggard woman

It's the same picture, but people form two different opinions from it.  The same is true on everything else happening in our life, and in our world

Different viewpoints from different perceptions.

Doesn't it make sense to share our perspectives with one another, so we're able to see things from different vantage points before we come to a conclusion?

A mind is like a parachute, it works best if it's open!

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United We Stand -- Together


(Companionship or close association."the experience has brought us together")
We are living through challenging times, and we will get through this TOGETHER.  Love unites us while hate divides us.  We don't have to agree on everything in order to stand shoulder to shoulder with each other.  In fact when we hear a different perception, we might learn something new!
None of us came out of the womb knowing everything.  We learned step by step through our experiences.  In fact, I ALWAYS learned more from my mistakes than I did from my successes.
Let's not allow others to divide us.  In truth, there is one race...the Human Race.

Let's Grow Stronger, Together!

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Thoughts vs Feelings

Thoughts come from your mind.  Usually your intellect trying to logically figure things out.

Feelings, however is something that usually takes place in the heart or solar plexus area in your body.

Feelings are the language the Universe speaks!  Whatever feelings you're holding about the thoughts you think...ARE your requests to the Universe.

If you think about money, and feel that you don't have enough money; your language to the Universe says, "I want not enough money".  The Universe responds in kind.

If you think about relationships, and feel sad that you don't have one; your language to the Universe says, "I want no relationship".  The Universe responds in kind.

If you want more money, or a relationship in your life, look at the money you already have and feel so grateful to have the money.  Think about the loving relationships you currently have, even if it's a relative, a dog, or the cute toddler living next door.  Think of the joyful things they...

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Remember Who You Are....Eternal

In this crazy world we live in, sometime we lose perspective of who we real are.
We need you just as you are!



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April Pin Up

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A Powerful Pause


The only power we really have is right here in this very moment.

We can't change the past, and the future isn't here yet.  All we have is right here and right now.

That is why meditation is sometimes referred to as a Powerful Pause.

For when we sit quietly, disconnect from the thoughts in our head; and connect to the feelings in our heart, we are connected to ALL THINGS and INFINITE POSSIBILITIES.

That's the Powerful part!

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Are People Telling You A Story?


There are people in the world who have a vested interest in manipulate the mass population in believing the world events a certain way.

There also might be well meaning people in our life that are trying to get us to believe their perspectives or beliefs.  These beliefs could have even been handed down to them by family, religious organizations, social media, or even the news.

Whatever we believe will affect how we make our decisions.  Therefore, isn't it worth investigating the situation for our self?

Objectively look around the situation, is there a broader perspective that isn't being shared, or presented?  Are we receiving all the information for us to decide, or are we being told the outcome for us to believe without question?

These are important questions, because if we are free people, then we have the freedom to think for ourselves.

If we are going to make decisions based on information, then we hold the...

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Super YOU

In a world that focuses on sport athletes and celebrities, maybe we need to take a more realistic look at the true heroes in life.

Our military men and women who defend our freedom, for sure.  Medical personnel, police men and women, EMT and first responders, absolutely. 

What about the everyday person who teaches their children right from wrong?  Or the people who attend the local School Board meetings or City and County meetings?  Do you know if your local community is being ran honestly and with integrity?  These are also "Super Hero" positions!

If our world has gone astray, then it's up to all of us to step up and fill in the gaps.

Notice what talents you have.  Where can you assist?  If everyone contributes something, it won't be long before we are living in a world of "OUR" choosing.

Thank You For All You Do!

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