Are You Believing Everything You See?


Anything they can get you to believe in the movies, is the same technology they you use to control your emotions.

Your emotions are for you to control...and not others!

Pay attention to how you feel, and what you're thinking.  These control your emotions.  Your emotions ARE the power behind what you bring into your reality.

If you "FEAR", you are bringing in scary or troublesome experiences into your existence.  If you "LOVE", you are bringing in peace, kindness and harmonious experiences into your existence.

You are the "Gate Keeper" to your own emotions and beliefs.  





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Order vs Chaos

Groups have studied for decades, how the human mind works; and how to motivate a person. This has constantly been used in advertising. How to stimulate the mind, to get a desired result.

Did you know a person will do more and move faster, to avoid pain than they would to gain pleasure?

You might be surprised whose been using these techniques on you, without your knowledge. Even on the news. Are the reported stories about "fearful" things, or about "pleasant" things happening? I know there are many more acts of kindness, than there are of drama and trauma. However the reports aren't even half good reports and half bad. If you notice the pattern, for the most part, are all fear based reports, and then end with one happy story. Could it be designed to have us view things in a fearful way?

It's time for us to "Re-Focus" our thoughts, our words, and our vision, on the good things in life. Because what we think, say, and do....actually creates our tomorrow.

Everything is a vibrational...

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We Can't Control Our Outer Environment....Well, Not Directly


Like it or not, this statement is very true.  As I was sorting through my own life, I came to the point of realizing there is the Outer environment where I interact with others, and the Inner environment where I discern what took place, look for understanding, disconnect from wrong perception, feel my feelings about the situation, forgive others or myself where needed, and then I'm able to grow from the experience.

So much of "Life's Injustices" come from misunderstandings and wrong perceptions.  What if the majority of us, took that quiet time to review our experiences and digest what happened in order to extract the golden nuggets for us to learn and grow from?

We learned and grew while we were in school, and that doesn't stop after graduation.  I'm sure you can name numerous things you learned...and then was able to gain additional knowledge because of your foundational understanding.

Isn't a happy life, and a harmonious world worth...

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