Leadership In Your Community

Looking for a few good people with:








Apply within your local School Boards and Municipalities.  Be the change the world is looking for!



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In light of the assassination attempt of our past President, we need to Unite our country.

Our country has spilled enough blood.  It's up to us to say NO MORE!





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United We Stand -- Together


(Companionship or close association."the experience has brought us together")
We are living through challenging times, and we will get through this TOGETHER.  Love unites us while hate divides us.  We don't have to agree on everything in order to stand shoulder to shoulder with each other.  In fact when we hear a different perception, we might learn something new!
None of us came out of the womb knowing everything.  We learned step by step through our experiences.  In fact, I ALWAYS learned more from my mistakes than I did from my successes.
Let's not allow others to divide us.  In truth, there is one race...the Human Race.

Let's Grow Stronger, Together!

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Happy Independance Day

Have you ever had an experience of playing a game you've played for years, but this time with a new person.  All of a sudden there's a difference of opinion on how the game works.  So you pulled out the rules. To your surprise, all these years, you've been playing the game wrong.

Maybe it's time we pull out the "RULES".

Let's all respect each other and play by the correct rules.


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Heart Centered

Speak to the Universe from a grateful heart.



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April Pin Up

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A Powerful Pause


The only power we really have is right here in this very moment.

We can't change the past, and the future isn't here yet.  All we have is right here and right now.

That is why meditation is sometimes referred to as a Powerful Pause.

For when we sit quietly, disconnect from the thoughts in our head; and connect to the feelings in our heart, we are connected to ALL THINGS and INFINITE POSSIBILITIES.

That's the Powerful part!

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Are You Believing Everything You See?


Anything they can get you to believe in the movies, is the same technology they you use to control your emotions.

Your emotions are for you to control...and not others!

Pay attention to how you feel, and what you're thinking.  These control your emotions.  Your emotions ARE the power behind what you bring into your reality.

If you "FEAR", you are bringing in scary or troublesome experiences into your existence.  If you "LOVE", you are bringing in peace, kindness and harmonious experiences into your existence.

You are the "Gate Keeper" to your own emotions and beliefs.  





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