Is Life Providing You Signs?

In my opinion, the best way to read Life's Signs are to notice what you NOTICE!

Notice what steps into your Awareness.

We weren't just dropped on this planet to fin for ourselves.  We are constantly watched over, AND supported as much as our "Free Will" is allowing.

There are numerous things that pop into our daily reality that we don't even notice.  If we just walk past without even observing them, then we're missing out on valuable information that is custom designed for our life.

Awareness is everything!  When you're aware of things, you can choose to incorporate them into your life.  "Feelings" are another great leverage with awareness.  When you experience something, ask yourself how this item...situation...or choice makes you feel.  If it makes you feel good, then move forward; if it makes you feel bad, then move away from it.

Not everything will be that simple, but you'd be surprised to know how many things are!

When you know better, you do...

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April Pin Up

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Are People Telling You A Story?


There are people in the world who have a vested interest in manipulate the mass population in believing the world events a certain way.

There also might be well meaning people in our life that are trying to get us to believe their perspectives or beliefs.  These beliefs could have even been handed down to them by family, religious organizations, social media, or even the news.

Whatever we believe will affect how we make our decisions.  Therefore, isn't it worth investigating the situation for our self?

Objectively look around the situation, is there a broader perspective that isn't being shared, or presented?  Are we receiving all the information for us to decide, or are we being told the outcome for us to believe without question?

These are important questions, because if we are free people, then we have the freedom to think for ourselves.

If we are going to make decisions based on information, then we hold the...

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Brandolini's Law

Brandolini's Law, also known as the bullshit asymmetry principle, is an internet adage coined in 2013 by Alberto Brandolini, an Italian programmer, that emphasizes the effort of debunking misinformation, in comparison to the relative ease of creating it in the first place.

The Law States:

The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is 10 times greater than that to produce it.

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Which Describes You Best?

Third Density Existence:

Egocentric;  Serf-serving;  Actions based on fear:  Conditional love - divisive;  Lack of compassion;  Judging others and Self;  Competitive;  Self-righteous;  Identifies with physical body:  Self-importance;  World of Scarcity;  Not trusting;  Fight or flight; Materialistic;  Need security;  Controlling;  Emotionally charged by past and/or future;  Reactive.

Fourth Density Existence:

Transition from Egocentric fear-based reality to love;  Spiritual Awakening;  Consciousness expansion;  Purging of negative emotions and belief systems;  Realizing Self is not a body;  Physical changes;  Tap into collective consciousness;  Increased telepathy;  Out of body experiences;  Thinning of the "veil";  Realization that something is changing in the world.

Fifth Density Existence:

Ego-less;  Service to others;  Actions based on...

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Super YOU

In a world that focuses on sport athletes and celebrities, maybe we need to take a more realistic look at the true heroes in life.

Our military men and women who defend our freedom, for sure.  Medical personnel, police men and women, EMT and first responders, absolutely. 

What about the everyday person who teaches their children right from wrong?  Or the people who attend the local School Board meetings or City and County meetings?  Do you know if your local community is being ran honestly and with integrity?  These are also "Super Hero" positions!

If our world has gone astray, then it's up to all of us to step up and fill in the gaps.

Notice what talents you have.  Where can you assist?  If everyone contributes something, it won't be long before we are living in a world of "OUR" choosing.

Thank You For All You Do!

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Can We Believe Our Lying Eyes?

In this world of mixed messages, how can we know what to believe and what not to believe?

First of all, like any good illusion, the trick is to get people looking in one direction while the magician is working their slide of hand in a different direction.

You may even notice the lights go off for a brief moment for the trick to be accomplished.

The magician would never allow you to come up close, inspect things, or ask questions, because he wants to protect his secrets.  And that's okay, because the fun is in the entertainment value of the performance.

However, what happens when people are portraying illusions in real life? How can you tell if it is real or fake?  Simply by doing the very things mentioned above.  Move in close, inspect things, and ask questions.  If the illusionist is not allowing this inspection or any questions, then there's your answer, it's fake.

Truth will always stand up to the light of day and unending questions.

This is one to grow on!


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New Year, New You!

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

2023 might be over, but your life is still relevant into 2024 and beyond!  So what do you want to do, or become in 2024?

We are all creative.  Many times in our lives, there have been people (knowingly or unknowingly) who squashed or diminished our creativity.  Yes, that happens to all of us.  Let's not count how many times we get knocked down....Let's count how many times we get back up!!

That's were our power is, get up, make a change and get back into the game of life!

I don't know about you, but I've learned much more from things not going right, than when they went right the first time.

Life's a journey.  Let's learn and grow from it!


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