Giving Up On Fear!

Have you ever heard the saying:

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result"

Isn't that what we all have done...Live In Fear, over and over again?

Isn't it time to come out of the Fear and the Dark and into the Light?

Don't be afraid of your future....It's Bright.

Explore, you can't make a mistake....only learn new experiences to Grow from.

Enjoy - This Life Belongs To YOU!

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Courage Is Contagious

"Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their country"

Great people throughout history have all been faced with the mental process of standing up for what's right.  Justice for all people and administered equally .

Martin Luther King Jr. stood up for justice in a respectful and non-violent way.  Such peaceful actions took clear-minded principles conveyed in a strong, yet calm manner.

We all are equipped with these abilities, and we have been shown how to display them.  Now we just need to bring our actions to this process.

This takes an element of courage.  The easiest way to bring in the courage, is to participate in local community meetings, arm and arm with your friends who also believe the community should be governed will liberty and justice for all.

Courage Is Contagious!







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Half Full or Half Empty?

Setbacks are only temporary.  Many times, growth is attainable only through those temporary setbacks.  As it affords us time to pause and ponder what happened; think through a respectful solution; and put together a well thought-out plan to move forward.

Hope is the eternal flame that burns within each of us.

Don't forget the power of the positivity you bring to this world!!  Your talents or gifts might be different or unconventional, but it's precisely the uniqueness that is entrusted to you, to bring forth into this crazy world at this time.

Embrace your purpose.

The world is inviting you to step out of your comfort zone and into a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.  This is about the very essence of who you are; the energy you bring to every moment.

You are part of the community for change!

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August Pin Up





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July Pin Up

When you watch this video, notice how it affects the people around her.  Notice how it affects you, at a soul level.

This reaches us at the core of our being.  This core area is where our power comes from....and it is at the "NOW" moment.  And then this NOW moment.  All of our power is in each "Now Moment".

We are created will all kinds of abilities we don't use.  Find your power.  Own your power, and become Free!


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Promise Of A New Day

There are many changes happening all around us.

How do we make sense of it all?

Close your eyes, and look inside your heart.  That's where your answers lie.  This is where you find what makes you happy, and how you want your life to be.

Then open your eyes; and with your eyes open, hold onto the thoughts and images you found while  looking inside.  Hold them.  Embellish them.  Post notes or pictures that help you feel your future dreams.  You are in the process of creating your new day.

Break bad habits by walking away from lies, illusions, and anything that feels bad.

Life is good.  Life is abundant.  Life is an on-going creation.  Life is worth living.

Start by walking in the direction of things that make you "feel" good.  Then things and people will be placed on your path; explore these new experiences.  They will lead you to the dreams you found in your heart.

Trust the Process!




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Just Do It

We All Have Our Own Unique Purpose!

We find our purpose by noticing things that excite us.  Things we feel passionate about.

What are YOU passionate about?

Take a step in that direction.  Start small if you like, but then keep moving forward.

Just Do Your Passion.  No room for doubts!

DO IT....DO IT....DO IT!

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The world is changing around us.

Are you noticing?

What served us in the past, isn't relative to this new and beautiful world we are transitioning to.  Don't be afraid of change...that's playing small.

We came here to grow, evolve, and explore. Try new things, and make adjustments along the way. As you do, you will gain confidence in your own abilities. There is no right or wrong way for your life, because you are the creator of your legacy. Time to test your wings!

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Freedom Isn't Free

Anything worth while, is worth the investment!

Living in a free country, is worth the investment of protecting it's boundaries.

Living a free life, is worth the investment of time to define your life, your way.  And then the Courage and Focus to walk "Your Path"....even if it ends up being the road less traveled.

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