Always In Season

This is a time of year where things become quite busy.

Add the fact of how crazy the world has become, and what we're hearing on the news.

Those that are conscious, are aware of the importance of our focus.

Where Focus Goes...Energy Flows!










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Calmer Minds Prevail

In these crazy times we're living in, we need to make sure we aren't adding to the surrounding chaos.

When there are wars, and rumors of do we become part of the Solution, rather than part of the problem?

We do this by managing our own Emotions.

     -Identify what you're feeling.  Honor those feelings by labeling or defining them.

     -Take a pause for the cause.

     -Think through all your options about what you're feeling.

     -Then respond with a calm and clear mind; rather than a knee jerk reaction to the situation.

Remember....wherever attention goes, energy flows.

Control your attention, and bring peace to this planet.


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United We Stand, Divide We Fall

Have you noticed the world is getting even crazier? Too many opportunities to divide us.

Could this be by design?  Divide we are weak.  United we are strong.  We don't need to have the same beliefs in order to get order to respect one another.

There's a story that seems relevant for the time we are going through, which goes something like this:

“If you collect 100 black ants and 100 red ants and put them in a jar, they will live together peacefully. But if you shake the jar vigorously, the ants will start killing each other. Reds will believe black is the enemy and black will believe red is the enemy when the real enemy is the person who shook the jar.

Who's shaking your jar?

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This is a great question, and the answer is, you have to prepare for it. It's learning to control your inner world regardless of what's happen in the world outside of your physical being. This can be hard at first, especially when people talk about things going wrong in the world.

That is why you need to PREPARE for it. Just as you would prepare to run a marathon; enter a body building competition; playing a major league sport; or even riding a bike!

How many times did you have to practice, before you were successful at riding a bike?

It's an unreasonable expectation to believe you should be able to quiet your mind, the first time you go inside and get calm. So take it easy on yourself and just practice. Practice every day. Do it for only 15 minutes. Don't be attached to any specific outcome these 15 minutes are supposed to bring. Just show up, and notice what you notice in that 15 minutes without any judgement.

Do this as a daily...

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Exercising Consciousness

It's important to keep your body healthy, so you might watch what you eat, go to the gym, or walk around your neighborhood.

It is equally, or perhaps more important to keep your mind healthy.

We all can admit we are living in "CRAZY" times...but do you know that you are adding to the Craziness if you aren't controlling your consciousness?

What you think about AND the words you choose to use, are all part of the "crazy" drama currently playing out in the world.  They either add to the drama, or they calm the drama!

In the month of June, I will focus on different examples, techniques, and explanations to help break it down so you can gain control of what you're contributing; while respecting others for where they are at in their lives.

To start with, notice your body.  Do you feel anxious?  Is your body tense or stressed?  If you answered yes, take a moment and breathe deeply.  Concentrate on each long intake, and slow outflow of your breath.  Do you...

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