Grow Where You Are Planted

Each person is very special. 

Each person was born for an unique reason, that only they can give to this world.

Most people don't know what their special gift is until they grow into it.  Their life long experiences are shaping and perfecting their message.

Just like a delicate plant needs to be nurtured, so do each one of us require nurturing.  Many times people are born into a family that provides that nurturing....many times people are not.  While this maybe disappointing, it doesn't have to be devastating.  If you're not being nurtured by other, then that's a clear sign you need to step up and nurture yourself.

You see, in those instances when nurturing doesn't take place, self nurturing is what you're suppose to teach the world.  You can't TEACH what you don't KNOW.  You must learn it first.

Don't cheat the world out of your Unique Gift!

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A Powerful Pause


The only power we really have is right here in this very moment.

We can't change the past, and the future isn't here yet.  All we have is right here and right now.

That is why meditation is sometimes referred to as a Powerful Pause.

For when we sit quietly, disconnect from the thoughts in our head; and connect to the feelings in our heart, we are connected to ALL THINGS and INFINITE POSSIBILITIES.

That's the Powerful part!

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Are You Believing Everything You See?


Anything they can get you to believe in the movies, is the same technology they you use to control your emotions.

Your emotions are for you to control...and not others!

Pay attention to how you feel, and what you're thinking.  These control your emotions.  Your emotions ARE the power behind what you bring into your reality.

If you "FEAR", you are bringing in scary or troublesome experiences into your existence.  If you "LOVE", you are bringing in peace, kindness and harmonious experiences into your existence.

You are the "Gate Keeper" to your own emotions and beliefs.  





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Have you ever had someone present you with information that was in direct opposition to your belief system?

My earliest memory of this, is when I learned there's no Santa Claus.  Everyone has their own story about this, and it might not be a big deal.  While my experience was traumatic, and left no lasting scars, this neutral story may help in seeing a bigger picture to current life issues.

In my family, I am the youngest of three children.  When my oldest sister found out the truth through her school age friends, that there is no such thing as Santa Claus, she brought that truth home to us.  Since I was so young, this hit me pretty hard.  I couldn't believe such a thing...I wouldn't believe.  Her information was wrong, and I was going to prove it.  I went to a person I knew my whole life, who knew more than my sister, and mom would set things straight.  I came to find out that my mother backed up my sister's story.  To say I was shocked...

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This is a great question, and the answer is, you have to prepare for it. It's learning to control your inner world regardless of what's happen in the world outside of your physical being. This can be hard at first, especially when people talk about things going wrong in the world.

That is why you need to PREPARE for it. Just as you would prepare to run a marathon; enter a body building competition; playing a major league sport; or even riding a bike!

How many times did you have to practice, before you were successful at riding a bike?

It's an unreasonable expectation to believe you should be able to quiet your mind, the first time you go inside and get calm. So take it easy on yourself and just practice. Practice every day. Do it for only 15 minutes. Don't be attached to any specific outcome these 15 minutes are supposed to bring. Just show up, and notice what you notice in that 15 minutes without any judgement.

Do this as a daily...

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October Pin Up

From wrong thinking, to right thinking. 

From hurt, to forgiveness. 

From weakness, to strength. 

From bondage, to freedom.

From division, to unity.

From conflict, to peace.

From storm, to restoration.

From dark, to light

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Exercising Consciousness

It's important to keep your body healthy, so you might watch what you eat, go to the gym, or walk around your neighborhood.

It is equally, or perhaps more important to keep your mind healthy.

We all can admit we are living in "CRAZY" times...but do you know that you are adding to the Craziness if you aren't controlling your consciousness?

What you think about AND the words you choose to use, are all part of the "crazy" drama currently playing out in the world.  They either add to the drama, or they calm the drama!

In the month of June, I will focus on different examples, techniques, and explanations to help break it down so you can gain control of what you're contributing; while respecting others for where they are at in their lives.

To start with, notice your body.  Do you feel anxious?  Is your body tense or stressed?  If you answered yes, take a moment and breathe deeply.  Concentrate on each long intake, and slow outflow of your breath.  Do you...

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