Grow Where You Are Planted

Each person is very special. 

Each person was born for an unique reason, that only they can give to this world.

Most people don't know what their special gift is until they grow into it.  Their life long experiences are shaping and perfecting their message.

Just like a delicate plant needs to be nurtured, so do each one of us require nurturing.  Many times people are born into a family that provides that nurturing....many times people are not.  While this maybe disappointing, it doesn't have to be devastating.  If you're not being nurtured by other, then that's a clear sign you need to step up and nurture yourself.

You see, in those instances when nurturing doesn't take place, self nurturing is what you're suppose to teach the world.  You can't TEACH what you don't KNOW.  You must learn it first.

Don't cheat the world out of your Unique Gift!

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Does Your Perspective Help You To Navigate And Thrive?

We all see things differently, that's what makes us individuals.  We can look at others around us, some people appear to be happy, while others appear to have one challenge after another.

What many don't realize, is how you look at life and the world, is actually playing a part in creating their tomorrow.

How about you?  Does your perspective help you to navigate through life and thrive?  Or are you just trying to survive?

You hold the destiny of your tomorrow.  Don't give too much weight on other peoples opinions about your life.  Because they are not you.  Each person has their own purpose in life, with their unique path to take them to their destination.  Each person usually has different variables in their lives as well.  Example, if they're single or married; children or no children; the amount and ages of people depending on them.

The point is, listen to other people's opinions as only suggestions to consider.  Notice the feelings...

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Thoughts vs Feelings

Thoughts come from your mind.  Usually your intellect trying to logically figure things out.

Feelings, however is something that usually takes place in the heart or solar plexus area in your body.

Feelings are the language the Universe speaks!  Whatever feelings you're holding about the thoughts you think...ARE your requests to the Universe.

If you think about money, and feel that you don't have enough money; your language to the Universe says, "I want not enough money".  The Universe responds in kind.

If you think about relationships, and feel sad that you don't have one; your language to the Universe says, "I want no relationship".  The Universe responds in kind.

If you want more money, or a relationship in your life, look at the money you already have and feel so grateful to have the money.  Think about the loving relationships you currently have, even if it's a relative, a dog, or the cute toddler living next door.  Think of the joyful things they...

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April Pin Up

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You Create Your Tomorrows

We Are Creators!

Wherever we put our attention, that is what we are calling forth into our lives.

So, in these days we're currently going through, are we worried about going to war?  Or are we loving the fact that people are standing up for peace?

Are you worried you don't have enough money?  Or are you so happy to have a roof over your head?

It's worth taking a look at the quality of thoughts running through your mind.  Once you fully realize that whatever you're thinking about IS creating your tomorrow, then, chances are you would "re-phase" your words and your emotions.

First we have a thought, then we have "feelings" about that thought.  The stronger our emotions are, the faster we are pulling the "good", or the "bad" into our lives.

Take a Leap Of Faith into this new year.  Think good, happy and loving thoughts.  Then feel strong emotions about those thoughts.





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Time To Step Out Of Fear

Don't worry.....Be happy!

This is the secret to life.  So why does it seems so hard to get there?

Because we weren't properly trained to be Happy, we were trained to Fear.  Fear of something happening, fear of something not happening.  We waste so much time on fear, and the troublesome thing is...when we're fearful, we are easy to control!

That's what they count on.  That's why we're shown scary images, or stories of war.  To keep us paralyzed.

But now that you KNOW, you can take your power back.  Step out of fear!  When you see something that you're afraid of happening, what would be the opposite of that?  Picture the opposite in your mind, picture it in color and add anything enjoyable to that picture.  Think of what you want to happen.  How does that make you feel?

We create anything we focus on.  The news wants us to focus on wars and illness; because if we focus there, that's what we will create.

However, if we focus on...

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July Pin Up

When you watch this video, notice how it affects the people around her.  Notice how it affects you, at a soul level.

This reaches us at the core of our being.  This core area is where our power comes from....and it is at the "NOW" moment.  And then this NOW moment.  All of our power is in each "Now Moment".

We are created will all kinds of abilities we don't use.  Find your power.  Own your power, and become Free!


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Do you ever feel you're being pulled in too many directions?

Are you being distracted by too many phone calls, emails, texts, social media, and/or other people's agendas landing on your path?

Either we’re going to run life, or life is going to run us. That's just the cold hard truth.  Never be afraid to look at things honestly.  Truth offers a solid foundation in which to build your thoughts and dreams on.  When you know your dreams and what you want in your life, then you can start developing different plans to achieve those dreams.  Life is a step by step process, but those steps will get you further if they are deliberate steps.

Whether I'm working on dreams or a conflict in my life, I use the 20/80 rule.  I spend 20% of my time looking at the situation honestly.  Then I put my blinders on, so I can't see any distractions...and spend the remaining 80% of my time developing a plan to get me where I want to be.

Albert Einstein said, "You cannot...

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Promise Of A New Day

There are many changes happening all around us.

How do we make sense of it all?

Close your eyes, and look inside your heart.  That's where your answers lie.  This is where you find what makes you happy, and how you want your life to be.

Then open your eyes; and with your eyes open, hold onto the thoughts and images you found while  looking inside.  Hold them.  Embellish them.  Post notes or pictures that help you feel your future dreams.  You are in the process of creating your new day.

Break bad habits by walking away from lies, illusions, and anything that feels bad.

Life is good.  Life is abundant.  Life is an on-going creation.  Life is worth living.

Start by walking in the direction of things that make you "feel" good.  Then things and people will be placed on your path; explore these new experiences.  They will lead you to the dreams you found in your heart.

Trust the Process!




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