Grow Where You Are Planted

Each person is very special. 

Each person was born for an unique reason, that only they can give to this world.

Most people don't know what their special gift is until they grow into it.  Their life long experiences are shaping and perfecting their message.

Just like a delicate plant needs to be nurtured, so do each one of us require nurturing.  Many times people are born into a family that provides that nurturing....many times people are not.  While this maybe disappointing, it doesn't have to be devastating.  If you're not being nurtured by other, then that's a clear sign you need to step up and nurture yourself.

You see, in those instances when nurturing doesn't take place, self nurturing is what you're suppose to teach the world.  You can't TEACH what you don't KNOW.  You must learn it first.

Don't cheat the world out of your Unique Gift!

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Remember Who You Are....Eternal

In this crazy world we live in, sometime we lose perspective of who we real are.
We need you just as you are!



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Time To Allow Your Truth To Shine

Are you tired of being how others say you should be?

Hollywood, Magazines, TV programs, are all programing to be who they say is ideal.  But what if "they're" wrong?

I think it's time for you to allow your truth to shine through.

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Are You Believing Everything You See?


Anything they can get you to believe in the movies, is the same technology they you use to control your emotions.

Your emotions are for you to control...and not others!

Pay attention to how you feel, and what you're thinking.  These control your emotions.  Your emotions ARE the power behind what you bring into your reality.

If you "FEAR", you are bringing in scary or troublesome experiences into your existence.  If you "LOVE", you are bringing in peace, kindness and harmonious experiences into your existence.

You are the "Gate Keeper" to your own emotions and beliefs.  





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The Soul's Journey

The Soul's Journey is all about moving forward, or ascending.  It's not about being perfect, it's about being better than we use to be.

It's not a comparison with others, it's a comparison with our self.

When we're living in the 3rd dimensional realm, our predominant emotions we'd be attached to is "Guilt" "Shame" "Fear" and "Anger".

When we're living in the 4th dimensional realm, our predominant emotions we'd be attached to is "Hopeful" "Curiosity" and "Neutrality".  This is where we're willing to be open minded and explore situations and ideas.

When we're living in the 5th dimensional realm, our predominant emotions we'd be attached to is "Forgiveness" "Love" "Patience" and "Peace".

Be aware of what emotions you're feeling.  Are you happy there?  If you are, then keep thinking what you've been thinking.  Being happy is what we're aiming for.

If you're not happy, look at the qualities of the next dimension up, from where you currently see yourself to...

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Happy Thanksgiving

"An Honest Look  At REALITY"

Sometimes holiday gatherings can be challenging.  When they are, we need to take an honest look at what's going on.

Maybe you find that others don't have the same beliefs or opinions that you do.                    NEWSFLASH: They aren't suppose to!!!

Think about your Thanksgiving table, if every dish was seasoned the exact same way, the meal would be dull and boring.  But as it is, some dishes are delightful to your personal taste, while others you can take or leave....HOWEVER all the dishes bring value to the meal.

So it is with the people around the table.  Each person brings an unique flavor to the gathering. Since we have no control over others, we have only our-self to look at.  Are we bringing something that blends with the occasion, or something sour and off putting?

This is my personal way to prepare myself for theses...

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Sacred Journey of the Soul

When you walk in another persons shoes, and see the situation from their perspective too; it's easier to have compassion and forgive them for some ill placed words or mistaken action.  We are all trying to navigate through this life and learn our own lessons.

That is what we came here to do.  Learn and Grow.  We might not get things right the very first time, and there will be mistakes; by others, and also ourselves.  So have equal amounts of compassion and forgiveness for all involved, including you.

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August Pin Up





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May Pin Up

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