A Gift We Give Ourselves

Forgiveness is the gateway to a better quality of life!

Take a look at the chart below:

Notice the difference levels LOW, NEUTRAL and HIGH.

If you find the emotion of FORGIVENESS, you will see that it's at the beginning of all the emotional states we want to live within.

FORGIVENESS is what you must go through in order to reach a higher state of consciousness.

If you're unwilling to forgive, or to let go of people and experiences that have hurt you, then you're depriving yourself of a happy fulfilled life.

How do we forgive?  Who do we forgive?  Forgive Everyone....for Everything!

Consciously or unconsciously, most people were taught to label others....how people are different. Then we judge people accordingly.  Maybe that's a good place to start forgiving.  Forgive those who taught us there's a difference between people with different skin color; different religions; different political beliefs; different cultures....and at the same time, we need to forgive...

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So How Are You Put Together?

Moving forward from the previous post: https://www.coachloripark.com/blog/understanding-this-will-change-your-life

In the last post we took a look at frequencies.  There are frequencies that are harmonic...and frequencies that are dis-harmonic.  How can you tell which are which?  By the way you feel.

We have become far too patient in living with things that don't feel good, or feel right.

Our bodies are a treasure trove of pure intelligence, however we tend to ignore, over-look, or over-ride this wisdom.  We look to "social media" or friends for our guidance.  The problem with that is, they will give us guidance through their lives, circumstances, or filters.  So their guidance might be perfect for them, but your life usually has difference circumstances and variables.

We need to turn inward and ask ourselves basic questions.  Do I like "this", or do I like "that".  Does this make be feel "happy" or "sad".  Often we might hear thoughts...

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Are you giving your FREEDOM away, without realizing it?

#dream #fear #freedom #happy Jul 19, 2022

 So many people are living their lives by somebody else's rules.

They just go along...to get along.  But what is that REALLY costing them?

It's costing them their FREEDOM, and people are doing that to themselves!

If one person in the picture above, had the courage to stand up and live their live their way, the game of control is over!

So what stops people from standing up?  Usually FEAR,  If we break down what fear truly is, we find out it's usually an Illusion:





Maybe you're afraid of being different.  Maybe you're afraid of being judged.  Maybe you're afraid of making a mistake.  Whatever the fear might be, gather the courage to live life on Your Terms.  If it helps, get a friend to share your dreams with and ask them for their support...and you do the same for them.  Isn't that better than living day in and day out with a life that doesn't make you happy?

Ernest Hemingway said:

"The coward dies a thousand...

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