FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real


The Buddha said:  The secret to Enlightenment is the eradication of fear.

In Sufism: they believe God is on one side of the veil and we're on the other, and our life is the struggle against the veil....and the veil is our fear.

Breaking fear down scientifically:  FEAR is an emotional reaction to a future event, that may or may not happen....with you focused on a negative outcome.

Fear depends on a negative outcome.  It depends on YOU believing in a negative outcome.

When you shift your focus from negative to positive...YOU create a whole different experience.

Perhaps this is why the good book told us 365 times to, FEAR NOT.



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Sacred Journey of the Soul

When you walk in another persons shoes, and see the situation from their perspective too; it's easier to have compassion and forgive them for some ill placed words or mistaken action.  We are all trying to navigate through this life and learn our own lessons.

That is what we came here to do.  Learn and Grow.  We might not get things right the very first time, and there will be mistakes; by others, and also ourselves.  So have equal amounts of compassion and forgiveness for all involved, including you.

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What's Your Secret Weapon?

First of all....What is the meaning of a secret weapon?

"Something or someone that no one knows about, and that will give you an advantage over your competitors or enemies."

You might argue that everyone knows about LOVE, so how can that be a secret weapon.  You're right, AND THAT'S what makes it even more powerful.

Yes, we know about LOVE, but few realize there are actually invisible frequencies that accompanies all emotions.

When someone is feeling an angry emotion, and another person is feeling a loving emotion; whichever person is feeling their emotion stronger, they will actually neutralize the other person's emotion.

So next time you're in a disagreement with someone you care about.....try this!!

Think about the wonderful qualities this person normally exhibits, remember the good times and caring actions.  Hold that thought....Feeling those feelings grow stronger....then push those feelings from your heart to their heart.  Feel how good that feels, stay with...

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July Pin Up

When you watch this video, notice how it affects the people around her.  Notice how it affects you, at a soul level.

This reaches us at the core of our being.  This core area is where our power comes from....and it is at the "NOW" moment.  And then this NOW moment.  All of our power is in each "Now Moment".

We are created will all kinds of abilities we don't use.  Find your power.  Own your power, and become Free!


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Do you ever feel you're being pulled in too many directions?

Are you being distracted by too many phone calls, emails, texts, social media, and/or other people's agendas landing on your path?

Either we’re going to run life, or life is going to run us. That's just the cold hard truth.  Never be afraid to look at things honestly.  Truth offers a solid foundation in which to build your thoughts and dreams on.  When you know your dreams and what you want in your life, then you can start developing different plans to achieve those dreams.  Life is a step by step process, but those steps will get you further if they are deliberate steps.

Whether I'm working on dreams or a conflict in my life, I use the 20/80 rule.  I spend 20% of my time looking at the situation honestly.  Then I put my blinders on, so I can't see any distractions...and spend the remaining 80% of my time developing a plan to get me where I want to be.

Albert Einstein said, "You cannot...

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What Difference Can "One" Person Make?

Just as you would toss one small pebble into the lake, there is a rippling effect that goes out in all directions. If you did the same thing with one small boulder, there would be a larger rippling effect in all directions of that occurrence.

The same thing is true with one person’s personal energy or vibrational frequency.  Frequency ripples out to our family and community around us.

David Hawkins was a MD and PhD who spent several decades test and defining the frequency between different emotions.  He defined the different levels between 1 and 1000.  The higher the number, the more the person is living in a higher state of consciousness.

Most people, on average, live their lives around 200.  This is taking into account of the times they're blaming themselves or others, feeling fearful of the future or regret the past; but also the times of feeling love for another person, and joyful surprises dropped on their path.

Did you know that one person who is...

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United We Stand, Divide We Fall

Have you noticed the world is getting even crazier? Too many opportunities to divide us.

Could this be by design?  Divide we are weak.  United we are strong.  We don't need to have the same beliefs in order to get along....in order to respect one another.

There's a story that seems relevant for the time we are going through, which goes something like this:

“If you collect 100 black ants and 100 red ants and put them in a jar, they will live together peacefully. But if you shake the jar vigorously, the ants will start killing each other. Reds will believe black is the enemy and black will believe red is the enemy when the real enemy is the person who shook the jar.

Who's shaking your jar?

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Once you discover something is damaged in your life and needs repair, there's an honest assessment that's needed.

To be able to step back and objectively look at your options.

I actually went through my home being severely damaged due to a fire.  My sister came over, looked at the house and said "What a Tragedy!"  Without a delay I replied, "No, it's not a tragedy, it's an inconvenience."

I'm not sure if I said that for her, or for me!!  There was so much work ahead of me, so many belongings destroyed, that when I looked at it as a "Tragedy"....I felt my energy depleted; but if it's an "Inconvenience", then I had the energy to deal with the situation.

When dealing with a big change like a sudden fire, your emotions waver back and forth as you find something dear that's now lost....processing the feelings....then return back to gratitude that no one got hurt.  We need to feel our feelings, but then we also need to regain our balance and notice what is still going...

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Rebuilding Step-By-Step

Moving forward from the previous post https://www.coachloripark.com/blog/rebuilding-something-better.

What's stirring inside of you?

Are you following your passion?

Your wounds may be on the outside, or they may be on the inside...but we all got them!  The only difference between us is, are we facing our challenges and moving forward, or are we ignoring them and staying stuck?

We all have our stories, and yes we need to honor the challenges in our lives.  It's not uncommon for people to look back and realize how much they've grown because of their challenge. 

When these challenges occur, I recommend the 20/80 Rule.  Take 20% of your time, and honor what happened....why it might have happened....and what could be a lesson from the situation.  After that, spend the remaining 80% of your time thinking of where to go from here.....how to take small steps towards making your life better....seeing yourself at the end of the challenge as a conqueror.

Start from...

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