Taking the Mystery Out of Navigating Through Life

Most people are living life primarily in the first three charkas, Survival, Sexuality, and Power.

These first few charkas are also known as living in a 3rd dimensional life.  Why would any one chooses to live at a 3-D, rather than enjoying a 4th dimension or even 5th dimension life?  I propose to you that it wasn't actually a choice, but rather some subconscious programing done without our awareness.

If someone have been given fear based traumas, and experienced feelings of "Fight or Flight", then repeated; it causes the Energy Centers to regress into the lower 3 chakra centers.  Think of the movies you have seen, the pattern of the script writing usually revolves around a "hero's journey" which is all around triggering those fears, trauma, and anxieties before a last moment reprieve.  Look at the evening news, multiple fear based triggers are being reported when there are actually more good things happening than bad things. However they bang the drum of fear...

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October Pin Up

From wrong thinking, to right thinking. 

From hurt, to forgiveness. 

From weakness, to strength. 

From bondage, to freedom.

From division, to unity.

From conflict, to peace.

From storm, to restoration.

From dark, to light

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Rebuilding Your Community

Moving forward from the previous post https://www.coachloripark.com/blog/rebuilding-something-better.

No Man Is An Island!

We were not meant to come to this planet and exist alone.  We are all children of our Creator, and as children we learn new things...we fall down and learn to get up again.  It doesn't matter how many times you fall down, what matters is, how many times do you get up???

You were born into this crazy world at this very precise time for a reason.  Your life's lessons that you've conquered will help so many people at this time.  There are No Mistakes, you were meant to have those lessons, so you can help other navigate through them.  We are all experts in what we have gone through, and over come.

What many people don't realize yet, is that the rules that were in place before 2020 are now totally different.  If we are going to excel during this time we need to own the wisdom within the core of our being, and share it with others. ...

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Rebuilding Step-By-Step

Moving forward from the previous post https://www.coachloripark.com/blog/rebuilding-something-better.

What's stirring inside of you?

Are you following your passion?

Your wounds may be on the outside, or they may be on the inside...but we all got them!  The only difference between us is, are we facing our challenges and moving forward, or are we ignoring them and staying stuck?

We all have our stories, and yes we need to honor the challenges in our lives.  It's not uncommon for people to look back and realize how much they've grown because of their challenge. 

When these challenges occur, I recommend the 20/80 Rule.  Take 20% of your time, and honor what happened....why it might have happened....and what could be a lesson from the situation.  After that, spend the remaining 80% of your time thinking of where to go from here.....how to take small steps towards making your life better....seeing yourself at the end of the challenge as a conqueror.

Start from...

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The word Courage may mean different things, to different people, at different stages in their life.

But we're not here to look at other people, or even look outside of ourselves.  All our power comes from within us...never outside of us.  So please give the gift of focusing inside of yourself.  This is where you gain insight, review the past, grow from your experiences, get ideas, acknowledge your feelings, dream, make plans, and most importantly disconnect from Other People's Anxieties and Fears.

Some people may say looking within yourself is "selfish"....these are the same people, if you notice, that do NOT have their lives together.  Actually looking within yourself is "Self-Love".  When you spend the time to really know who you are...you actually like yourself more, and understand yourself better.  At that point, you show up in the world a little differently.  Maybe less judgemental, maybe kinder, more compassionate, more peaceful.  You in...

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Are you giving your FREEDOM away, without realizing it?

#dream #fear #freedom #happy Jul 19, 2022

 So many people are living their lives by somebody else's rules.

They just go along...to get along.  But what is that REALLY costing them?

It's costing them their FREEDOM, and people are doing that to themselves!

If one person in the picture above, had the courage to stand up and live their live their way, the game of control is over!

So what stops people from standing up?  Usually FEAR,  If we break down what fear truly is, we find out it's usually an Illusion:





Maybe you're afraid of being different.  Maybe you're afraid of being judged.  Maybe you're afraid of making a mistake.  Whatever the fear might be, gather the courage to live life on Your Terms.  If it helps, get a friend to share your dreams with and ask them for their support...and you do the same for them.  Isn't that better than living day in and day out with a life that doesn't make you happy?

Ernest Hemingway said:

"The coward dies a thousand...

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Freedom Isn't Free

Anything worth while, is worth the investment!

Living in a free country, is worth the investment of protecting it's boundaries.

Living a free life, is worth the investment of time to define your life, your way.  And then the Courage and Focus to walk "Your Path"....even if it ends up being the road less traveled.

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FREEDOM - It's A Choice!

246 years ago, the people of America had a choice to make. To live under the ruling control of King George III, or to choose to govern themselves.

Today is no different.  We each need to assess our lives, and decide to be governed by other peoples opinions, rules, or mandates -OR- design a lifestyle that fits who "WE" are and what we came to accomplish.

Once we have completed our assessment, then we need to Stand and make our DECLARATION.

Declare what we want our life to be, and Stand Firm in that Declaration!

It might not always be easy, but you living your life your way.... is definitely worth it!


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