Rebuilding Something Better


This profound video means more to me than the surface message. 

As we understand what "really" happened on 9/11/2001, we can learn from this man and his message. 

I don't think we have to be fireman or woman to make this same monumental difference.  Just like the towers, the old system has collapsed, but we each can stand tall, and rebuild a new system far better than what we had.   A system where our children, grandchildren, and each generation after, never has to live in a world controlled by evil doers. 

The best is ahead of us, let's all be apart of this rebuilding.   There's so much to be done in all aspects of this new way of life.   Find your passion, then start building from there.

You were born into this time for a reason, make it monumental!

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Exercising Consciousness

It's important to keep your body healthy, so you might watch what you eat, go to the gym, or walk around your neighborhood.

It is equally, or perhaps more important to keep your mind healthy.

We all can admit we are living in "CRAZY" times...but do you know that you are adding to the Craziness if you aren't controlling your consciousness?

What you think about AND the words you choose to use, are all part of the "crazy" drama currently playing out in the world.  They either add to the drama, or they calm the drama!

In the month of June, I will focus on different examples, techniques, and explanations to help break it down so you can gain control of what you're contributing; while respecting others for where they are at in their lives.

To start with, notice your body.  Do you feel anxious?  Is your body tense or stressed?  If you answered yes, take a moment and breathe deeply.  Concentrate on each long intake, and slow outflow of your breath.  Do you...

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