What Is Success?

 Its understanding just like every lock has its on unique key, so it is with Success

Every person has a unique purpose for being on this planet, and at this specific time. No two people are the same.  Even twins may look very similar, but even they have unique differences and purposes.

Success is understanding they have their own purpose.

Success is respecting others for the gifts each person brings to the world.

Success is holding your beliefs about your purpose, regardless of other people's opinions.

Success is trying something new and unfamiliar.

Success is getting up after a fall and courage to try again.

Success is knowing there's a lesson in every experience, and becoming wiser for it.

Success is knowing the difference between outside chatter and inner wisdom.

Success is having the ability to stay in the present moment.

Success is listening to the desires in your heart, and allowing your soul to express itself.

Success is knowing that it's about the journey, and not...

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True Wisdom

When we follow the thoughts in our head we rationalize (ration-a-lies).

Our Soul know its journey.

Tune into your heart for the most direct guidance to "your" path and purpose.  Don't worry if others don't get it, they're not suppose to understand your life.

That's why the have a life of their own!




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This is a great question, and the answer is, you have to prepare for it. It's learning to control your inner world regardless of what's happen in the world outside of your physical being. This can be hard at first, especially when people talk about things going wrong in the world.

That is why you need to PREPARE for it. Just as you would prepare to run a marathon; enter a body building competition; playing a major league sport; or even riding a bike!

How many times did you have to practice, before you were successful at riding a bike?

It's an unreasonable expectation to believe you should be able to quiet your mind, the first time you go inside and get calm. So take it easy on yourself and just practice. Practice every day. Do it for only 15 minutes. Don't be attached to any specific outcome these 15 minutes are supposed to bring. Just show up, and notice what you notice in that 15 minutes without any judgement.

Do this as a daily...

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Order vs Chaos

Groups have studied for decades, how the human mind works; and how to motivate a person. This has constantly been used in advertising. How to stimulate the mind, to get a desired result.

Did you know a person will do more and move faster, to avoid pain than they would to gain pleasure?

You might be surprised whose been using these techniques on you, without your knowledge. Even on the news. Are the reported stories about "fearful" things, or about "pleasant" things happening? I know there are many more acts of kindness, than there are of drama and trauma. However the reports aren't even half good reports and half bad. If you notice the pattern, for the most part, are all fear based reports, and then end with one happy story. Could it be designed to have us view things in a fearful way?

It's time for us to "Re-Focus" our thoughts, our words, and our vision, on the good things in life. Because what we think, say, and do....actually creates our tomorrow.

Everything is a vibrational...

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Objective vs Subjective

Objective definition:

A person who is not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.  Being impartial or unbiased.

        Subjective definition:

A person who is influenced by personal feelings, taste or opinions.  Allowing emotions or biases to sway the outcome.

To gain clarity in your life, make sure you understand which lens you're looking through.


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A Gift We Give Ourselves

Forgiveness is the gateway to a better quality of life!

Take a look at the chart below:

Notice the difference levels LOW, NEUTRAL and HIGH.

If you find the emotion of FORGIVENESS, you will see that it's at the beginning of all the emotional states we want to live within.

FORGIVENESS is what you must go through in order to reach a higher state of consciousness.

If you're unwilling to forgive, or to let go of people and experiences that have hurt you, then you're depriving yourself of a happy fulfilled life.

How do we forgive?  Who do we forgive?  Forgive Everyone....for Everything!

Consciously or unconsciously, most people were taught to label others....how people are different. Then we judge people accordingly.  Maybe that's a good place to start forgiving.  Forgive those who taught us there's a difference between people with different skin color; different religions; different political beliefs; different cultures....and at the same time, we need to forgive...

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Where Am I ?

Have you ever wondered where you are, or even where are you going?  Well then this blog is for you.  I like to think of this chart as a "Directional Chart" to life.

You know when you enter the doors of your local mall, you come across a Directory?  It list every store in the mall, then it has a dot saying "You Are Here".  That's how I like to use this chart.  At different times in our life...or even in our day, we are in different states of emotions.  I will look at this chart, realize what I'm feeling, and if I'm not in a good place....just like at the mall, I notice where I'd like to be.

Once you know where you are, and then where you'd like to be, you can see the clear path to arrive at your preferred destination.

Most people need to traverse, even if only briefly, through each emotion between where you are and where you want to be.  The exception to this would be someone who is manic-depressive, their emotions can skip around, but for most of...

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Taking the Mystery Out of Navigating Through Life

Most people are living life primarily in the first three charkas, Survival, Sexuality, and Power.

These first few charkas are also known as living in a 3rd dimensional life.  Why would any one chooses to live at a 3-D, rather than enjoying a 4th dimension or even 5th dimension life?  I propose to you that it wasn't actually a choice, but rather some subconscious programing done without our awareness.

If someone have been given fear based traumas, and experienced feelings of "Fight or Flight", then repeated; it causes the Energy Centers to regress into the lower 3 chakra centers.  Think of the movies you have seen, the pattern of the script writing usually revolves around a "hero's journey" which is all around triggering those fears, trauma, and anxieties before a last moment reprieve.  Look at the evening news, multiple fear based triggers are being reported when there are actually more good things happening than bad things. However they bang the drum of fear...

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November Pin Up


When we Change the way we look at things....

          The things we look at Change!

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October Pin Up

From wrong thinking, to right thinking. 

From hurt, to forgiveness. 

From weakness, to strength. 

From bondage, to freedom.

From division, to unity.

From conflict, to peace.

From storm, to restoration.

From dark, to light

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