Rebuilding Step-By-Step

Moving forward from the previous post

What's stirring inside of you?

Are you following your passion?

Your wounds may be on the outside, or they may be on the inside...but we all got them!  The only difference between us is, are we facing our challenges and moving forward, or are we ignoring them and staying stuck?

We all have our stories, and yes we need to honor the challenges in our lives.  It's not uncommon for people to look back and realize how much they've grown because of their challenge. 

When these challenges occur, I recommend the 20/80 Rule.  Take 20% of your time, and honor what happened....why it might have happened....and what could be a lesson from the situation.  After that, spend the remaining 80% of your time thinking of where to go from to take small steps towards making your life better....seeing yourself at the end of the challenge as a conqueror.

Start from...

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Understanding Your Expansion

Every New Experience Is Expanding Us!

Expanding our knowledge; Expanding our skills; Expanding our character; Expanding our comfort zone; Expanding our inner world!

Several years back I got certified in scuba diving.  There were many things to learn as I stepped into a new world with different surroundings and different rules.  Things needed to be explained to me, what I can touch verses what I can't touch, never to dive alone, how to communicate underwater, how to navigate in poor visibility, and how to buddy breathe if someone's tank ran out of oxygen.

Once we got underwater, there was a new freedom I quickly realized because of the tank of oxygen strapped to my back, I was able to stay down and enjoy .  I was able to see bright vivid colors of fish swimming together in schools, sea life tucked within the rocks or blending in with the coral.  I saw a sand ray that was camouflage and swam away as I approached, and even encountered a barracuda who moved in an...

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#authentic #bold Aug 11, 2022


Now is the time to stand up and be counted.  The time for you to write....or re-write your story.  You're not writing this story for anyone else; you're writing this story for you!

What do you want to experience between the cover of you coming into this life, and your departure from it?

Too many times people stick their nose into our business.  And if we're truthful, we'll realize how many times we stick our business into other people faces (facebook).  If people were living their authentic lives, they wouldn't even notice if anyone sees them at all.  Totally Unplugged from the good (or bad) opinions of others.  Other peoples opinions are none of "our" business.  They can only take us off of our path...our "True North".

Be Brave, Be Bold, Be Beautiful.....Be YOU!

If you write a beautiful enough story, others will eventually notice.  However this story, this dream, this really for you.


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