Where Am I ?

Have you ever wondered where you are, or even where are you going?  Well then this blog is for you.  I like to think of this chart as a "Directional Chart" to life.

You know when you enter the doors of your local mall, you come across a Directory?  It list every store in the mall, then it has a dot saying "You Are Here".  That's how I like to use this chart.  At different times in our life...or even in our day, we are in different states of emotions.  I will look at this chart, realize what I'm feeling, and if I'm not in a good place....just like at the mall, I notice where I'd like to be.

Once you know where you are, and then where you'd like to be, you can see the clear path to arrive at your preferred destination.

Most people need to traverse, even if only briefly, through each emotion between where you are and where you want to be.  The exception to this would be someone who is manic-depressive, their emotions can skip around, but for most of...

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Taking the Mystery Out of Navigating Through Life

Most people are living life primarily in the first three charkas, Survival, Sexuality, and Power.

These first few charkas are also known as living in a 3rd dimensional life.  Why would any one chooses to live at a 3-D, rather than enjoying a 4th dimension or even 5th dimension life?  I propose to you that it wasn't actually a choice, but rather some subconscious programing done without our awareness.

If someone have been given fear based traumas, and experienced feelings of "Fight or Flight", then repeated; it causes the Energy Centers to regress into the lower 3 chakra centers.  Think of the movies you have seen, the pattern of the script writing usually revolves around a "hero's journey" which is all around triggering those fears, trauma, and anxieties before a last moment reprieve.  Look at the evening news, multiple fear based triggers are being reported when there are actually more good things happening than bad things. However they bang the drum of fear...

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It's Only A Course Correction - NOTHING MORE!

Moving forward from the previous post: https://www.coachloripark.com/blog/understanding-this-will-change-your-life


I know things are feeling crazy and out of control.  I know people are feeling fearful and things are not going as they planned for their lives.

But what if nothing was going wrong?  What if it was nothing more than a world-wide GPS indicating the need for a Course Correction.  We've all been there with our personal navigational devises, stating "At your earliest convenience make a U Turn".

In the dictionary the verb "correct" is defined as:  If you correct a problem, mistake, or fault, you do something which puts it right.

So in your automobile if you do a course correction, you're making an adjustment to the path you are currently on, in order to get back on the right path.

Did you know if a ship that is only 1 tiny degree off the correct path...and left uncorrected long enough, could miss the entire continent?  That's why there's a...

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So How Are You Put Together?

Moving forward from the previous post: https://www.coachloripark.com/blog/understanding-this-will-change-your-life

In the last post we took a look at frequencies.  There are frequencies that are harmonic...and frequencies that are dis-harmonic.  How can you tell which are which?  By the way you feel.

We have become far too patient in living with things that don't feel good, or feel right.

Our bodies are a treasure trove of pure intelligence, however we tend to ignore, over-look, or over-ride this wisdom.  We look to "social media" or friends for our guidance.  The problem with that is, they will give us guidance through their lives, circumstances, or filters.  So their guidance might be perfect for them, but your life usually has difference circumstances and variables.

We need to turn inward and ask ourselves basic questions.  Do I like "this", or do I like "that".  Does this make be feel "happy" or "sad".  Often we might hear thoughts...

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Understanding This Will Change Your Life

When you understand everything is a vibration frequency, and you learn how it works; then you become the master of your life.

We lived in a world that withheld the truth from us.  We are now in a period of time that is not only exposing the lies....but also teaching us the truth.  The "REAL" set of rules. 

Have you ever tried to play a board game, and you didn't take time to read the rules?  Your friend might have just explained the rules as you start to learn the game.  Then a question come in to play that can't be answered, so you pull out the rules.  You end up discovering you've been playing with the wrong understanding all along.

That's where we are, people in control intentionally gave us the wrong rules, and life was hard.  The good news is, you are now being exposed to the "REAL RULES".  Embrace the opportunity for Joy, Laughter, Harmony, and Love.  All the things you've been wanting in your life....and now you have the...

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Rebuilding Your Community

Moving forward from the previous post https://www.coachloripark.com/blog/rebuilding-something-better.

No Man Is An Island!

We were not meant to come to this planet and exist alone.  We are all children of our Creator, and as children we learn new things...we fall down and learn to get up again.  It doesn't matter how many times you fall down, what matters is, how many times do you get up???

You were born into this crazy world at this very precise time for a reason.  Your life's lessons that you've conquered will help so many people at this time.  There are No Mistakes, you were meant to have those lessons, so you can help other navigate through them.  We are all experts in what we have gone through, and over come.

What many people don't realize yet, is that the rules that were in place before 2020 are now totally different.  If we are going to excel during this time we need to own the wisdom within the core of our being, and share it with others. ...

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Every Thing In Life Is A Frequency Match

We can not "See" frequencies....but we can see the effects frequencies have in our world.

From our Cell Phones, Televisions, Radios. Garage Doors, Internet, Microwaves, GPS Tracking, Antennas, Satellite Dishes, just to name a few.

With each of these items, there must be a frequency match in order to see the effect you're hopping for.  For example, as you drive down your street, when you click your garage door opener, all your neighbors garages don't open up because there is no "frequency match" to your remote opener.  The same thing is true with your cell phone.  If your cell phone doesn't match the frequency to any near by tower, then your phone will not work.

The same thing is true with people.  Frequencies between people are not visible.  And frequencies between people either match or they don't.

People are attracted to others because each are holding a similar frequency.  Likewise, people engaged in arguments are also holding a similar frequency in...

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